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CHOICE Advisory Services, Inc. refers to any licensed provider without review of compliance to local, state or federal laws. CHOICE has no knowledge of the quality or operational processes of a senior housing provider.
It is the consumer’s responsibility to review the licensure, quality of standards, pricing, policies, procedures and product information of any business, agency or individual offering services or products.
CHOICE Advisory Services, Inc. expressly disclaims any incidental or consequential damages, losses or expenses that arise from use of information obtained from use of this web site.
CHOICE Advisory Services, Inc. is not responsible for the content of materials and information listed on linked web sites. You agree to review information and utilize it at your own risk. Links from CHOICE’s website are not to be viewed as an endorsement of product or service. CHOICE Advisory Services, Inc. is a licensed, Washington-state S-Corporation, incorporated 1993.
For purposes of HIPPA compliance, you are asked NOT to disclose any health care related information regarding any person, including yourself. If you require assistance regarding health care matters, you are asked to speak directly with the provider and/or with an Housing & Care Advisor at CHOICE Advisory Services, Inc.
You agree not to disclose private health information via the Internet or other electronic means.
CHOICE Advisory Services, Inc. does NOT place “cookies” on your system. You may personally elect to contact CHOICE Advisory Services, Inc. by telephone, email, fax or any other means of communication. CHOICE does not sell or give your information to any other business, agency or individual without your prior consent.
Children's Privacy Statement
CHOICE Advisory Services, Inc. does not knowingly provide information nor collect information from individuals not of legal age to access or provide such information as outlined by United States Law.
Copyright Information
CHOICE Advisory Services, Inc. has trademarked the phrases and words that appear on this and other marketing materials owned and produced by CHOICE Advisory Services, Inc., its staff, representatives and directors.
CHOICE copyrights all photos, printed text, search functions and result screens, inclusive of form layout, text formatting, grid listings and search result information. This information and these display screens may not be copied or reproduced by any means of electronic or mechanical, photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system unless such copying or reproduction is for personal use to provide assistance to an older adult. Further, use of such information may not be utilized for financial gain.
Commercial use, copying or reproduction of this information for financial gain will result in copyright infringement.
International Law
This web site is controlled and managed by CHOICE Advisory Services, Inc. and is governed by laws of the United States of America. You may not access this web site, nor export materials in countries where access to such information is deemed illegal or prohibited.
CHOICE To The Rescue!
“When I finally made the decision to no longer live alone, I had no idea what to do next. CHOICE came to my rescue! I was not only given several excellent options, but I was also given the information I needed to make a wise decision for myself. I’m particularly grateful that you helped me with the sale of my home, and even made sure my move went smoothly! And thank you as well, for taking me to look at my options. I am thankful that you let me make the choice on my own, but I’m equally grateful that you were there to listen to me.” – Betty
Doctor Recommended
“I tried making calls on my own, but the more information I gathered, the more confused I got about the entire process. I happened to be with my mother, visiting her doctor and I found a CHOICE Guide in the waiting room. When I asked my doctor if he knew about your agency, he told me about the good experiences he’s had in recommending people to CHOICE. When he told us about CHOICE, I thought, “It’s too good to be true!” Your services are invaluable.” – Renee
Comfort In A Difficult Time
“The idea of moving from our home of forty years was daunting until I talked to CHOICE. I may not have moved quickly, but I moved in a way that was comfortable for me, and I knew I was supported through this difficult and very big move. Without my husband here to help me make decisions, it gave me peace of mind to know someone was looking after my best interests. Thank you, CHOICE, for being like family to me.” – Char